Star Destroyer Dry Dock

Star Destroyer Dry Dock Rating: 10,0/10 3170 votes

Nothing like creating a gravity well to stop ships from fleeing the sector.Check out this ship here TFW-BB67/8: USS MONTANA BB67: 9/44: 1/96: $50.00: TFW-BB67/16: Same as above in: 1/192: $28.00: This class was cancelled in 1943. The drawings show the ship as she might have looked if commissioned by Sept., 1945.

Includes 3 sheets - Destroyer sized 48 star flag and jack, depth markings, 24 inch and 15 inch numbers in black and white, Aircraft stars - early, mid and late war. An Imperial captain has gone rogue and taken his Star Destroyer with him. A group of adventurers who want to take back the ship can recruit a pilot to smuggle them aboard. Your journey to the Star Destroyer begins in the Aurilia Adventurer's guildhall. Requires: Lost Star Destroyer Pre-Q Professions: Jedi - A single light side Jedi. Medic - Two Medics. (can easily be done with 1) Commando - At.

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Empire-class Star Destroyer

Empire-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
Star Destroyer
1,400 meters
2,600 Troops
4 MGLT/s
Class 2.0
(Backup) Class 8.0
2,722 RU
3,620 SBD
(8) Quad Heavy Turbolaser Barbettes
(2) Double Heavy Turbolaser cannon
(3) Triple Heavy Turbolaser Turret
(20) Turbolaser Batteries
(10) Heavy Ion Cannons
(20) Quad Laser Cannons
(12) Tractor Beam Projectors
(144) Starfighters
(24) Gunboats
(12) Shuttles
(12) Transports
28,000 metric tons

Star Destroyer Shipyard

6 years

The Empire-class is the the successor to the old but reliable Venator-class. The Empire needed vessels with better fighter complement for large scale operations. The Revenge class was built for this role, but was too expensive to build and too costly to maintain in the numbers Imperial Command wanted. Thus the Empire-class was born. The ship acted as support for large squadrons and as flagships for smaller battlegroups. Never deployed without protection, the Empire was often paired with two Victory II-class Star Destroyers and various other smaller escorts.



Dry Dock Rockford

Imperial I-class Star Destroyers were dry docked, and the forward two hundred meters were removed to make way for a large forward multi-level hangar. Extra shielding is added to the forward section, as well as massive reinforced mesh dura-steel hanger doors. The forward third of the ship now houses the massive bay. The ventral amidships docking bay was removed, adding ventral weapons batteries and a secondary reactor. The eight heavy quad barbettes are retained, as are the two rim mounted heavy double heavy cannons. A second triple heavy turret was added to the dorsal spine just forward of the original triple heavy turret. One additional triple heavy turret replaced the ventral docking bay. Ten heavy ion cannons were placed on the prow, five to each flanking rim. Turbolasers and quad lasers line the ventral and dorsal edge of the port and starboard rim. Two full starfighter wings are supported as well as gunboats, shuttles, transports, barges, and even corvettes can dock in the lower bay for the forward hanger.


The Empire-class was designed as a replacement for the Venators being used as fleet carriers. Shortly after the battle of Yavin, the need for better fighters was paramount. The new rebel X-wing was far superior to the TIE fighter, and won most battles in which they faced each other. New fighter designs had been rushed to the front of R&D's list but a solution had to be found for the problem at the time. The answer came in many forms. Escort Carriers were developed, but these could not take on capital ships well. The large Revenge Heavy Carriers were already in service, but too few and were too expensive to be a solution. Dich teure halle wagner pdf to excel. The ISD Empire was damaged in a battle with rebel forces having a large section of her prow destroyed. Imperial engineers cut away the damage and modified the ship to fit the dual roll of command and support carrier.

Known Vessels

  • ESD Ravager
  • ESD Harbinger

Out of Character

The Empire-class is a Fanon Ship found on a few sites on the web.

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